Whether you love gardens and gardening or you hate even the idea of lifting up a spade or getting the lawnmower out of the shed, gardening offers many benefits to those who are willing to at least try!
Gardening is active living. It is a very popular physical activity throughout the world and offers the opportunity for lifelong participation, and can be a positive contributor to the natural environment.
The Old-Fashioned Way Is Best!
To reap the maximum health benefits from your gardening use as little machinery as possible. Use manual clippers, trimmers and lawnmowers if possible. Try to stick to a regular garden exercise routine. Rather than saving up your outdoor work for one marathon weekend session, schedule at least 30-60 minutes of gardening two or three times per week if you can manage the time. If your away from home during the day working, early mornings (if you can get up) evenings and weekends are ideal gardening times.
Work at a steady, constant speed, but be sure to change positions every 10 minutes or so to avoid overusing a particular muscle group. If you start by bending down to pull weeds, stand to prune the hedges next. Also alternate which side of the body you use. Pull with your right hand, then with your left.
Numerous studies have shown that regular physical activity reduces your risk of premature death, heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, adult-onset diabetes and others. Gardening and yard work contributes to healthy active living, and are part of all three types of physical activity - endurance, flexibility and strength activities. Heavy yard work like raking and carrying leaves contributes to both endurance and strengthening activities, while all those stretches and contortions in the garden can help increase and maintain your flexibility.
Indeed, studies have shown that just looking at trees and plants reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and relieves tension in muscles. It works for me especially when im stuck in the office! Dont forget that gardening requires you to use your head and your creativity and therefore keeps the mind active as well. The time spent planning the garden and researching different plants is a great brain workout. Gardening gives us a chance to be creative. You can let your personality shine through in your garden.
Remember to have fun while gardening and try not to treat it as a chore. Relax and remember your garden doesnt have to be picture perfect all the time. Resolve to work more on the garden this year. Whether its a window box or a garden, you will be healthier for it.
Plus you can grow vegetables for yourself or sell them at a local market to generate additional income.
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